




一直渴望了解更多香槟品鉴知识?Veuve Clicquot邀请粉丝和著名香槟品牌酿酒师Didier Mariotti一同乐享品牌气泡酒。在第一集视频中,他讲述如何甄选香槟杯,以充分体验每一口甄酿带来的味觉盛宴。

Make Up For Ever通过分享品牌彩妆师的美妆技巧让居家时光充满乐趣。
Make Up For Ever定期在品牌国际版Instagram官方账号进行直播,展示各种美妆


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As part of our 'LOEWE EN CASA' series, we're digging into our archives to look back at some of the studio tours we've captured for past projects and artisan collaborations. Potter @SaraFlynn sat down with lecturer and potter Clive Fiddis at her studio in Northern Ireland in 2017 – the same year that Flynn was a finalist in the #LOEWEcraftprize. Flynn's work was later exhibited alongside Richard Smith’s ‘Shuttle’ work and a series of photographs by Lionel Wendt at the #ChanceEncounters exhibition presented by the @LOEWEfoundation and curated by @Jonathan.Anderson at Art Basel Miami Beach. Flynn had been commissioned to produce a new body of ceramic work for the exhibition, engaging with the space and materiality of the historical Granary building installed there. #LOEWE #LOEWEarchives

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“Zenith On Air”系列中演绎得淋漓尽致。品牌挚友们应邀讲述启迪他们的故事。第一集视频诚邀帕特里克•莫拉托鲁(Patrick Mouratoglou),他曾是网球冠军塞雷娜·威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)的教练。

歌单“Monday Music”拉开为您一周的序幕。一周结束,来自世界各地的音乐家和DJ特别呈现的“TGIF Live Sets”演唱会则为这一周画上圆满的句号。周中则是“Wednesday Workshops”,由Kenzo挚爱艺术家们带来一系列精彩教程。最后,Kenzo邀请品牌挚友作客“周末访谈”(Weekend Conversations),推出特别系列节目。

Belmond 在这个特殊时期举办了名为”Belmond Invitations ”的虚拟冒险
活动,借助Instagram举办了一系列有益身心的直播活动,包括爵士歌手Joe Stilgoe的演唱会、Nadia Narain的瑜伽课和明星花艺师Simon Lycett等业界名流联合推出的大师课,期间主厨Raymond Blanc Obe在他的大师课上教授大家如何布置复活节餐桌及制作美食,呈现难忘的复活节记忆。工坊在Belmond资深大师的指导下

Le Bon Marché推出“Just For You”系列节目,为居家隔离时光带来振奋鼓舞
周四,分享来自高端美食集市(La Grande Epicerie de Paris)的美食菜谱;
周五,呈现大自然曼妙欣赏;周六,提供历史展览鉴赏栏目。节目安排亦包含Le Bon Marché的一段历史,每周日由Stéphane Bern倾情呈献。整周都有不一样的

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Fondé en 1852 par Aristide et Marguerite Boucicaut, Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche est le premier grand magasin du monde toujours en activité. Le couple Boucicaut n’a cessé d’innover dans tous les domaines, cherchant inlassablement à devancer les attentes de la clientèle de la fin du XIXème siècle. ​ .​ Qui étaient ces deux fondateurs à l’esprit visionnaire ? D’où venaient-ils ? ​ . Aujourd’hui, @stephane.bern.officiel vous présente Aristide et Marguerite Boucicaut et vous conte les prémices de cette grande histoire dans le premier épisode de cette série, "Un extraordinaire destin"… ​?️ .​ Ouvrez l’œil, destination XIXème siècle ! Retrouvez @stephane.bern.officiel tous les weekends sur notre compte Instagram. ​ -​ LE BON MARCHE RIVE GAUCHE'S HISTORY BY @stephane.bern.officiel ​?️ . ​ In 1852, Aristide and Marguerite Boucicaut created Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche, the world’s first still active department store. While they kept on anticipating their clients' expectations in the late 19th century, the Boucicauts never stopped innovating in many fields. ​ .​ Where did these two visionary minds come from and who were they ? Today, @stephane.bern.officiel introduces you to Aristide and Marguerite Boucicaut and tells you the first steps of this great story in this episode, "A extraordinary fate"… ?️ . ​ Stay tuned, we are taking you back to the 19th century! Every weekend, you will have an appointment with @stephane.bern.officiel on our Instagram account. ​ . . . #VuAuBonMarche #LeBonMarche #RestezChezVous​ . .​ . #Paris #RiveGauche #StaySafe #StayAtHome #StayHomeStaySafe #LeBonMarcheRiveGauche #stephanebern #patrimoine ​ ​

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